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Personal Injury Law Firm Near Me

If you are searching for a “personal injury lawyer near me”, you or a loved one might have been injured and you’re looking for guidance and the compensation you deserve. Look no further, West Law has the experience and passion to fight for your rights and just compensation in South Carolina.

Should I file an Injury Lawsuit and What Will It Cost Me?

Personal injury lawsuits serve a critical role in our country. When you or a loved one suffers an injury that someone else caused, there’s a strong possibility you could be left with significant medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses that the negligent party should be paying.

The shift in an injured persons life can range from an inconvenience to something they’re not sure they’ll ever recover from physically and financially. Either way, you will want a personal injury lawyer who will fight for the compensation you deserve and absolutely need.

Just because you hire a lawyer, it does not mean a lawsuit has been filed. Your Attorney will start by working with the at fault party and/or their insurance carrier to try to reach a resolution. A lawsuit may be filed after that if it’s in the client’s best interest.

There is no fee for you if we handle your injury case. We work on a contingency fee and get paid only when you win, or the case is settled out of court.

What is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

There are several factors when trying to determine the value of a personal injury case. Your Injury Lawyer needs to know the specific details of your accident, the severity of your injuries, insurance coverage information, and many other elements. The primary elements behind the case value equation are fault (liability), medical bills (past and future), lost wages, lost earning capacity, loss of consortium, and pain and suffering.

Many of the elements mentioned won’t have clear value at the onset of the case but an experienced personal injury law firm should be able to give you an estimated case value when they have assessed your medical and police records, witness statements, and other important evidence, such as the progression or regression of your physical and mental state after the accident.

Steps in Your South Carolina Personal Injury Lawsuit

After you have seen a doctor or other medical professional and have decided to pursue a personal injury claim, there are a few steps to take.

Talk to an experienced Charleston Personal Injury Lawyer. As mentioned above, if they are experienced, they should be well equipped to assess your case to determine whether you should pursue a personal injury claim and how much compensation you might be able to get.

After you sign a retainer agreement, your injury attorney and their legal team will begin studying all aspects of your case. The injury or injuries and the events that caused them, the evidence, your employment history, and many other elements that will help your claim.

Settlement Negotiations: Your attorney will send a “demand letter” to your insurance company or other party, laying out the case for damages. Quite often, this results in a personal injury settlement that will help you rebuild your life.

Filing Your Lawsuit: If the negligent party offers an amount that is not reasonable or outright refuses to settle, then your Charleston Injury attorney will move to file a lawsuit and fight in court to get you the most compensation possible.

Three Years is the Standard Time Limit for South Carolina Personal Injury Lawsuits

The statute of limitations that will apply to your South Carolina personal injury lawsuit can be found at South Carolina Code of Laws section 15-3-530, which sets a three-year deadline for the filing of any civil lawsuit seeking a civil remedy (damages) for injuries caused by someone else's conduct.


West Law will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Reach out for a free consultation today.

West Law LLC

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

** No information that you obtain from this website is legal advice, nor is it intended to be. You should consult an attorney for individualized advice regarding your own unique situation. Please do not send any confidential information in your message as the information you provide may not be deemed confidential. Use of this website and your request for a consultation does not create an attorney-client relationship with West Law LLC or Caroline West.

Caroline West is the attorney responsible for this advertising.

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